
20-Nov-2024 · Felix Fung

What is Email Template?

Email Template are used when Backstage sends out email notifications. You can control how these email notifications are handled, including recipients, subject, and content.

What can be defined in Email Template?

Email Template Code Code cannot be modified. Backstage uses this field to identify the template to use under different contexts.
Subject Formula Optional. When this is blank, Backstage will use Default Subject Formula to prepare the Subject line
Default Subject Formula Cannot be edited. Backstage prepare the subject line by replacing text in [] according to the context.
Content Formula Optional. When this is blank, Backstage will use Default Content Formula to prepare the Content
Default Content Formula Cannot be edited. Backstage prepare the content by replacing text in [] according to the context.
To Email Formula Email in formula will be replaced according to the context.
CC Email Formula Email in formula will be replaced according to the context.
Bcc Email Formula Email in formula will be replaced according to the context.
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How to work with Email Template

  • Identify the Email Template you want to modify based on Email Template Code. More Email Templates will be supported in the future
  • All Email Templates have default subject and content formula. When there is no customized subject or content formula, the default formula will be used.
  • To prepare your own subject or content:
    • Start with copying the default formula to your own formula, and make changes to it. It is suggested to change only the text other than template variable (i.e. those in [SQUARE_BRACKET])
    • Email addresses are separated by comma (,). It can be a fixed email or email from Template Variable
    • Check out List of available Template Variables