Notify/CC Manager when the Leave Application is approved

21-Oct-2022 · Wing Au Yeung

Why notify/CC Manager when the Leave Application is approved?

Sometimes, the Manager does not need to approve the staff Leave Application, but he/she wants to know when would the staff is on leave on the Group Calendar and want to be notified when the staff leave application is approved.

As the Supervisor, the Manager can see the staff leave records in the ESS Group Calendar, check the staff leave balance, and receive a notification email when the Leave Application is approved.

How to notify/CC Manager when the Leave Application is approved?

1. Setup the Manager as Supervisor

Details can take a look at the page Setup the Relationship/Supervisors for Employees

Manually - One by One

  • Go to the Subordinate Placement Profile -> Relationship -> Supervisors -> Add New -> Set the Manager as the Supervisor, OR
  • Go to the Supervisors(Manager) Placement Profile -> Relationship -> Subordinate -> Add New -> Add the Subordinate to be supervised
  • Supervisor has no approval sequence. Please set it as 1.

Importing - In Batch

  • Go to Staff -> Attendance -> Placement -> Export
  • Open the file -> Go to the sheet "Supervisor" -> Follow the format and fill in the information
    • Delete other excel sheets if you do not update other information
  • Import the file by going to Placement

2. Enable Email function

  • Go to Master Data -> Organization -> Choose the Organization(with TOP) that the staff belongs to
    • Turn on "Notify all supervisors when leave is approved?"
  • Then the Manager can receive the notification email when the staff leave application is approved by all of the approvers

What's Next?

  • Check if the Supervisor set can receive the email when the Leave Application is approved
  • Check if the Supervisor can check the Subordinate leave records in Group Calendar and leave balance
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