Leave Application

07-Jul-2022 · Felix Fung

What is Leave Application?

Leave application is a record representing the leave-related application applied by staff in ESS. Approver will be reviewing the application and the resulting leave record will be created. There are 3 kinds of Leave Applications:

  • To Take - Leave Entry would be created when the Leave Application is approved
  • To Adjust - Leave Adjustment would be created when the Leave Application is approved
  • To Cancel - Created Leave Entry or Leave Adjustment would be deleted when the Leave Application is approved

Admin Portal users can also Add New to create the Leave Application on behalf of the staff, which you can define the status of the Leave Application created

  • Preparing - when you want the staff to confirm this application, i.e application needs staff to confirm and submit
  • Pending - when you want to submit on behalf of the staff, i.e application would go to the approved directly

What can be filled in Leave Application?

Placement Staff who apply the leave, you can use Placement Number or Staff Name to search the staff
Leave Type The Type of Leave need to be applied
Leave From, Leave To Date of the leave taken
Start Time, End Time Time of the leave taken
Duration Length of the leave taken. Backstage will automatically calculate the duration once the date and time are specified
Remark Any notes for about the leave
Status Define the Status of the Leave Application
  • Preparing: the Leave Application created will be at "Preparing" state. Your staff will have to confirm (and submit) the application to notify the approvers.
  • Pending: the Leave Application created will be at "Pending" state of which the first approver is about to review
Attachment Any picture or document related to the leave

What can you do in Leave Application?

Open the Leave Application, you can check the Next Approver, Approval Actions, and the Status of the Leave Application here.

Click More and you can see more functions for Admin Portal users only:

  • Resend Notification Email - for Pending Leave Application only. A notification email will be sent to the Next Approvers shown in the "Next Approver" part.

  • Approve / Reject Leave Application - for Pending Leave Application only. You can skip the original approver of the staff and directly approve or reject the Leave Application.

  • Cancel Leave Application - for Approved Leave Application only. You can cancel the Leave Application directly and the related Leave Entry or Leave Adjustment will be deleted.

What is the difference between Leave Application and Leave Entry?

If you do online shopping, think about the difference between the order you placed and the goods you received. You placed an order specifying what you want. Your order is reviewed by the online vendor and finally, the goods is delivered.

Leave Application is like the order and the Leave Entry (or Leave Adjustment) is the goods. In Backstage you will be performing different actions on them due to their natures.

What's Next?

  • Check the Leave Entry and Leave Adjustment records
  • Check the staff Leave Balance