Leave Entry

29-Aug-2022 · Wing Au Yeung

What is Leave Entry?

Leave Entry is a record representing the leave taken by the staff. It allow you to input the leave records of the staff with details.

For adding the Leave Entry records to Backstage, there are 3 ways to do it:

  • Manually - Click Add New to create the record one by one
  • Importing - Export the template file here and import the file to create the records in batch
  • From Approved Leave Application - The record would be created automatically once the Leave Application is approved

What can be defined in Leave Entry?

Placement Staff involved in this entry, you can use Placement Number or Staff Name to search the staff
Leave Type The Type of Leave staff taken
Leave From, Leave To Date of the leave taken
Start Time, End Time Time of the leave taken
Duration Length of the leave taken
  • Backstage will automatically calculate the duration once the date and time are specified, please do not change it manually. Otherwise, a red ! would be shown beside the Leave Entry
    • Wrong Duration calculated: Go to Leave Type and check "Is Rest Day counted as taken" and "Is Holiday counted as taken"
    • Time and Duration shown as 0 / wrong: Find the staff Roster->Assign/Update shift or Set default shift
Leave Balance Show the leave balance of the staff as that moment for your reference
  • Balance: Year-end balance
  • Actual: Balance as of the date of the leave taken
  • Remark Any notes for about the leave

    What's Next?

    • Check the Leave Balance and see if the leave date and duration are correct
    • Check if the leave days can be counted in Payroll correctly
    {"status":"error","code":2,"details":null,"message":"An unexpected error occurred! Enable debug mode for more info: https:\/\/getkirby.com\/docs\/reference\/system\/options\/debug"}{"status":"error","code":32,"details":null,"message":"An unexpected error occurred! Enable debug mode for more info: https:\/\/getkirby.com\/docs\/reference\/system\/options\/debug"}