Group Calendar and Contact List
Who can be viewed by the staff in Group Calendar and Contact List?
Contact list
- Only staff who are under the same department can see each other's contact list.
Group Calendar
- Staff who are under the same department can see each other's leave records, and
- the (Leave) Approver and the Supervisor can see their Subordinate's leave records
You can change who you want to see in the Group Calendar (the Subordinate or the Department)
How can the staff see all companies records in Group Calendar and Contact List?
If you allow staff see ALL Contact List/Leave Records,
- Go to staff Placement profile -> General section
- Enable "Can see all companies in Contact List" for allowing staff see the contact information of all the staff in the system in the Contact List.
- Enable "Can see all companies in Company Calendar" for allowing staff can see the leave records of all the staff in the system on the Group Calendar.