Editing Appraisal in Appraisal Batch

08-Nov-2022 · Wing Au Yeung

What can be checked and edited in the Appraisal Batch?

View Appraisal Rating Summary and Status

  • You can see the Appraisal Status and Rating Summary when clicking on the Placement

Edit the Appraisal

  • Appraisal Status

    • You can delete the date to roll back the Appraisal Status, e.g if you delete the "Associate confirmed objective" date, staff can update their objective in ESS again.          
  • Appraiser

    • You can edit or add new appraiser here without changing the appraiser set in the Relationship of the staff placement profile.                    
  • Objective, Comments and Scores

    • Objective can be Add New, Import, and Delete(cross)
    • Comments and Scores can be "Edit(Pencil)" by clicking the pencil.

Import Objective, Response, and Completion Date

You can input and update the Objective, Response, and Completion Date by importing

{"status":"error","code":2,"details":null,"message":"An unexpected error occurred! Enable debug mode for more info: https:\/\/getkirby.com\/docs\/reference\/system\/options\/debug"}{"status":"error","code":32,"details":null,"message":"An unexpected error occurred! Enable debug mode for more info: https:\/\/getkirby.com\/docs\/reference\/system\/options\/debug"}