What can be checked and edited in the Appraisal Batch?
View Appraisal Rating Summary and Status
You can see the Appraisal Status and Rating Summary when clicking on the Placement
Edit the Appraisal
Appraisal Status
You can delete the date to roll back the Appraisal Status, e.g if you delete the "Associate confirmed objective" date, staff can update their objective in ESS again.
You can edit or add new appraiser here without changing the appraiser set in the Relationship of the staff placement profile.
Objective, Comments and Scores
Objective can be Add New, Import, and Delete(cross)
Comments and Scores can be "Edit(Pencil)" by clicking the pencil.
Import Objective, Response, and Completion Date
You can input and update the Objective, Response, and Completion Date by importing
One by One
Open the individual appraisal -> More -> Export Appraisal form for Filling
Fill in the form
Import the file by going to More -> import Appraisal Form