Termination Reason

23-Jun-2022 · Felix Fung

What is Termination Reason?

Termination Reason defines the reason why the staff leave the company. It is required when End Date is inserted at the Placement profile.

What can be defined in Termination Reason?

Termination Reason Code Short Code to represent the Termination Reason
Termination Reason Name Full name of the Termination Reason
HSBC MPF Code Only for companies usingHSBC as MPF Trustee HSBC has its own set of Termination Reason Code and it is required when a staff is reported terminated. Please fill in the corresponding HSBC MPF termination code according to the termination reason.
Termination Nature Consolidate the varying names of termination reasons into a pre-defined nature for use by the system, e.g discard double pay for resigned staff. We would check the Nature but not the Descripition
  • Undefined : indicating this is a typical termination reason
  • Internal Transfer : indicating this is an internal transfer. When doing "Internal Transfer", the system will locate the termination reason with nature = Internal Transfer and assign this as termination reason
Is Qualified For Long Service Payment? Define if the system need to calculate the Long Service Payment amount in final payment(if the formula is set) when the staff leave with this termination reason
Remarks Any notes for your reference

What's Next?

  • Define your own set of Termination Reasons
  • Assign Termination Reason when the staff is terminated
  • Generate MPF file to check if the termination shown is correct