Necessary if you use the system to handle Payroll and Tax
HR Agency Company
Generated automatically after Save
For HR Agency Company
Please also fill in the following information:
Short Name: Short Name of the Company
Business Sector
Client Segmentation
Payment Terms (Reference)
Contact: All of the Contact person, it is for selection in Job Order
Please enable "Is Main Contact" if needed
If the name shown in the Invoice is not the same as the "First Name+Last Name" of the Contact, you can input the name want to be shown in "Invoice Attention"
The Organization status would be "Inactive" until the Contract of the Organization is approved
Points to note
Organization Code refers to your shortcode for the company. Please leave it blank for HR Agency Company
MPF Trustee, if the trustee is not on the list, go to Payroll -> MPF Trustee to create one
Tax Name is the guy who signs the IR56 forms
Tax Designation is the title of that guy
Default Currency is needed to change if you are handling company outside Hong Kong
2. Create Department
Master Data -> Organization -> Add New
Fill in the necessary information, only the below information is needed for Department
Parent Organization: the level right above it
e.g. if you are creating Department, then the "Parent Organization" will be the Company. If you are creating Teams, then the "Parent Organization" will be the Department that the Team belongs to.
Organization Code: Department Code
Organization Name: Department Name
Sequence Number: The level of Department belongs
e.g. 1 for Company, 2 for Department, 3 for Team, etc.
3. Create Contract For HR Agnecy Company only
Please go to point 4 if your company is not a HR Agency Company
Associate -> Job Order -> Add New
Fill in the necessary information
Client, Contract Date, Owner, Start Date, and Service Type must be filled in
Please leave "Contract Number" blank
Owner should be yourself
If the contract is evergreen, please enable " Will not expire" and leave the End Date blank
Upload the Contract as the Attachment
The Contract needs Approval. After approval, the Organization status would change to "Active" and would have a valid Organization Code
You MUST upload the Attachment. Otherwise, you cannot create the Job Order.
4. Create Job Order
For Normal Company
Associate -> Job Order -> Add New
Fill in the necessary information
Job Order Number: Short code of the Job Order, usually the same with the shortcode of the Organization
Client = Employer
Position: The type of employees under this Job Order, e.g Sales staff, Office staff. Just input "Staff" if it is for all of the employees of the company
Job Order Template: Salary Template for payroll calculation
Currency: Pay Currency, Hong Kong Company should always be HKD. Remember to change Currency if you are handling company outside Hong Kong
For HR Agency Company
Associate -> Job Order -> Add New
Fill in the necessary information
Client ≠ Employer
Employer: Company that legally employ the staff
Client: Company of which the staff is working at
Job Order Template: Salary Template for payroll calculation, please Go to Payroll->Job Order Template
Check and see if the existing can be used, if not
Copy the template from A-Z Copy Template
Consultant Allocations
Congratulations! You have finished setting up the Company Structure.