Leave Entitlement

12-Jul-2022 · Felix Fung

What is Leave Entitlement?

Leave Entitlement is the policy of a particular leave type, defining how its balance is accumulated as well as different checking when a leave application is submitted.

What can be defined in Leave Entitlement?

Leave Type Define the Leave Type this entitlement applies to
Leave Enttitlement Code Short code to represent a Leave Entitlement
Leave Enttitlement Name Full name of the Leave Entitlement>/td>
Description Leave Policy Details or Rule of the Leave Entitlement
Common Leave Year Define start date of the each leave period and how leave balance is entitled
  • Anniversary Year: Leave Period begins according to the Join Date of the staff
  • Calendar Year: Leave Period begins according to the specified start date defined
  • Hybrid Year:  Leave Period begins according to the specified start date defined as in Calendar year, but the days entitled will be the pro-rated value by Anniversary year.
    More details of ''What is common leave year? How does it affect leave balance?''
Is Leave Entitlement Granted in Advance Define whether the leave days are entitled at the beginning of the leave period, i.e first year or entitled after completion of the leave period
Round up to integer in first year Define whether leave days entitled in the first period will be rounded up to the nearest integer


  • If Common Leave Year= Hybrid Year, the entitled days would be rounded up every year
  • Round up formula: Optional round-up formula if "Round Up to Integer in first year" is enabled
No entitlement in first 3 months Define whether the Actual balance of leave is not granted in the first 3 months for the first leave period

Enabled: the Actual balance may appear as zero if there is no B/F balance. But after 3 months, the accumulated leave entitlement days will be added back to the leave balance

No entitlement in first 3 months after first year Define whether the actual balance of leave is not granted in the first 3 months of each leave period.

Enabled: Similar as above but No entitled days will be granted in the first 3 months of each leave period

  • This setting is referring to Hong Kong labor law. For example, if employees resign in the first 3 months, no annual leave balance will be granted therefore no annual leave pay of the current year leave balance is paid. 
Actual Balance prorated by Define whether actual balance is accumulated on daily basis or monthly basis. For example, Annual Leave in Hong Kong is accumulated on daily basis, when that for Singapore is accumulated by completed months.
Must maintain non-negative balance Define which balance to check when staff submit leave application.
  • Nope: No checking
  • Yes, against normal balance: Check against Normal Balance (i.e. year-end balance)
  • Yes, against actual balance: Check against Actual Balance (i.e. balance as of the leave date)
  • Adjust for Placement end date Define whether the entitled days would be adjusted for an already-known end date.
  • e.g Staff joins on 1 Jan, is entitled 12 days AL with an already known end date on 31 Oct
    Enabled: Days entitled = 10 instead (pro-rated according to rounding setting)
    Disable: Days entitled = 12 days entitled. But the ending balance by early termination can be told from the Actual balance
  • Must maintain non-negative balance Define which balance to check when staff submit leave application.
  • Nope: No checking
  • Yes, against normal balance: Check against Normal Balance (i.e. year-end balance)
  • Yes, against actual balance: Check against Actual Balance (i.e. balance as of the leave date)
  • No application within probation Define whether allow staff submit Leave Application in ESS within Probation defined in Placement profile
    Limit application in Current period Define whether only leave application in current leave period is allowed

    Enabled: Staff cannot submit Leave Applications with leave date in next leave period

    Auto Forfeit in

    Only for Leave Type which "Request Entitlement" is allowed

    When the application is approved, a Leave Adjustment representing expiry will also be created with the leave days added
    • Auto Forfeit Period Unit: Define the Unit of the "auto forfeit period"
    Remark Any notes for your reference
    Search Tags Additional remarks for searching

    What can be defined in Periods?

    Period Number The sequence number for period. Must be continuous and start at "1"
    Period Length Define the length of this leave period, - Period Unit: Define the Unit of the Period Length, e.g 1 Annually, 3 Monthly
    Days Entitled Define the Number of Days entitled within the period
    • Use Number of Holiday: For staff with irregular working schedules, you may want to maintain the leave balance according to the number of holidays


      • Number input in "Days Entitled" will be ignored and instead, number of holidays (as defined from Staff Roster -> Holiday Group) within the leave period will be entitled. 
      • Holiday would become normal working day, i.e would not be skipped even "Is Holiday counted as taken" is disabled
    Always Entitle in Full Define whether the days entitled would be always in full or entitled in pro-rated basis even in an incomplete leave period
    Max Days to Brought Forward Define the number of days allow to carry forward to the next leave period
    • Auto Forfeit in: Define the expiry period of the leave days B/F
    • Auto Forfeit Period Unit: Unit of the "Auto-Forfeit" period
    e.g Max Days to Brought Forward=0 day, Auto Forfeit in=3 months, all of the AL remain would be auto-forfeited after 3 months
    Reset Negative Balance Define whether negative balance is reset upon completion of each period

    Enabledthe negative leave balance in year-end would turn to 0 in next leave period

    What is Organization Permission for?

    Organization Permission define the Backstage User can view or update this Leave Entitlement or not.

    What's Next?

    • Review your company policy and define appropriate Leave Entitlements.
    • Assign Leave Entitlement in Placement profile
    • Check Leave Balance to make sure the setting are correct
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