Payroll Module Overview

25-Jul-2022 ·

Backstage Payroll module enables you to prepare payroll for staffs, and also make use of these result in Payroll modules. The key records in this module are:

graph LR PT[Pay Type] --> JOT[Job Order Template] PI[Pay Item in Placement] --> PE[Pay Entry] JOT --> PI O[Records from other module] --> PB[Payroll Batch] PI -->O PE --> PB
Field Description
Pay TypeDefine the nature of different pay amount
Job Order TemplateDefine the Pay Formula and the nature, e.g taxable, relevant income of each pay type. If the pay amount has a standard formula to calculate, then you can set up formula to let Backstage calculate it for you
Pay ItemDefine the standard/recurring pay rate where applicable in the Salary Part of the Placement Profile
Pay EntryFor pay amount that is ad-hoc in nature, you can record them in advance and have Payroll retrieve them
Payroll BatchRepresent a payroll that can be logically grouped to gather (e.g. they will be issued in same autopay instruction file).

How does Payroll Module work?

Defining Pay Type

Backstage has to know what are the different pay types available in your company. Usually, this can be known from your present payslip and look at the different pay item titles. 

Defining Pay Formula

To automate calculation, Backstage needs to know the formula for each pay type. Usually, it should be either one of the following cases:

  • Pay Type that can be calculated, with unit rate:
    2 formulae needed to be set. E.g Basic Salary is calculated in terms of "Daily Rate x Number of days Worked". 
  • Pay Type that can be calculated, without unit rate:
    E.g if you have a rule that every December, to issue the Basic Salary as "Double Pay", this can be calculated in terms of a single "Pay Amount".
  • Pay Type that cannot be calculated:
    Some ad-hoc payments like Commission are out of reach by Backstage. But you can plug them directly in Payroll as well.

Updating Pay Rate in Placement Profile

Some calculation (e.g. Basic Salary) requires you to enter a pay rate that is specific to the staff, and likely they have an effective date too. Update these Pay Rates in the staff Placement profile -> Salary section.

Generate Payroll Batch

Once the above configurations are done, you can generate Payroll Batches and add Staff to the batch. Backstage will follow the formula you defined to complete the calculation. You can then further modify or validate the result.

Finish Payroll

You are likely to make use of the Payroll Batch result for further actions, e.g. issuing your MPF Statement, issuing Autopay instruction file, etc. Once these are done, you can "Post" the payroll batch to lock the result.

Deliver Payslip to your staffs

Once you finished the payroll, you can deliver the payslip

  • If you have ESS module, once the payroll batch is posted, your staffs will see it available for download in ESS -> Payroll History, or
  • Open the Payroll Batch -> More -> Print or Email the forms to staffsCheck Payslip