
23-Jun-2022 · Felix Fung

What is Shift?

Shift defines a certain period of work or rest. It is the building block of the roster that contributes to how leave and timesheets are recorded.

What can be defined in Shift?

We have formulas to count the Overtime Minutes, Late in Minutes, Early Out Minutes, Short Minutes, and Meal Count. Please find us for more details.

Shift Code Short code to represent a shift
Shift Name Full name of the shift
Shift Type Define the type of the shift
  • Workday for shift represents a period of work

  • Restday for shift represents a period of rest

Start Time, End Time The corresponding start time and end time of this shift
Break Start Time, Break End Time Define the cut-off time of half day leave
  • Break start time: Out time for morning half-day leave

  • Break end time: In time for afternoon half-day leave

Range before, Range After For recording actual attendance. The attendance records can be shown in the timesheet or not depend on the time range set in the Shift.
  • E.g if you have start time at 09:00, and would like to record the time from 08:00 to 10:30 as start time, you can put range before = 60 and range after = 90. Attendance out of the time range cannot be shown in the Timesheet
Is Break Hour Paid Define whether break hour is included in minimum wages calculation
Divide into equal halves When you have unequal hours in the first and second half of the shift, but you still want to instruct the system each represents half of the work days, turn this option on. This affects how leave days is recorded
Standard Working Days Number of work day represented by this shift. A common workday will be 1 and a half work day on Saturday can be 0.5 or 1. This affects how the leave duration calculated
Standard Working Hours Number of work hours represented by this shift
Remarks Any notes for your reference

What's Next?

  • Create Roster
  • Assign shift to the Roster