Why import attendance records and remarks to Timesheet?
You may find there are missing attendance records or you may want to add some notes to the Timesheet to record the reason why the staff is late, early out, or missed punch. You do not want to input the time and remark one by one but want to import the attendance records and remarks to the system in batch.
What you need
• Please follow the cell format to input the data.
• Please delete the existing data before importing the file.
How to import attendance records and remarks to Timesheet?
Import Attendance Records to Timesheet
Find the excel sheet "Attendance" and delete data in the sheet "Remark"
Follow the cell format to input Placement Number, RecordDate, and RecordTime
ReaderNumber, ActionCode, and IP are optional fields
Remember to delete the template data before importing the file
Go to Attendance --> Timesheet --> Import -->Upload the file
Select the Month of the attendance data
Define the status of the timesheet when importing the file
"Template to use" = "General-use Backstage standard version"
• No matter the attendance records would be shown in the Timesheet or not, all the records can be check in Attendance -> Attendance Raw Data
• If you want to delete the imported data, please enable "Remove all raw data within the selected period?" when you imported the new file
Import Remarks to Timesheet
Find the excel sheet "Remark" and delete data in the sheet "Attendance"
Follow the cell format to input placement number, RecordDate, and Remark
Remember to delete the template data before importing the file
Go to Attendance --> Timesheet --> Import --> Upload the file
Select the Month of the attendance data
Define the status of the timesheet when importing the file
"Template to use" = "General-use Backstage standard version"
The Remarks imported can only be deleted manually one by one
What's Next
Check the staff Timesheet
Check the time range of the Shift if you find some attendance records are missing