
23-Jun-2022 ·

What is User?

User is someone who can log in to Backstage Admin Portal and work there. S/He can be one of the HR team members or someone who needs access to specific functions (e.g. accountant). Each user can have their own access right, some may be full right, and some maybe with limited right who can only access to specific functions.

If you are the Full right user, you can create the new user any time you need.

What can be defined in User?

User Id A shortcode to represent the user. This is the User ID for login to the Admin Portal. Once the User is created, the User ID cannot be changed
Password The initial password of this user. You can fill in a new password to overwrite the existing one if the user forgot the password
User Name How Backstage call this user
Title Title / Position of the User
Email Email of the user
User Group User Group defines the user right of the user, i.e what can be done and seen by the user. You would define the User Group after the User is created. By assigning the User Group, the user gain permission of that User Group.

What's Next?

  • Pass the User ID and Password to your (new) teammate
  • Ask the User log in to the system and change the password after that