[LATE_DAY] - Late Day

23-Aug-2022 · Felix Fung

What is this?

[LATE_DAY] returns the number of days that staff has been late to work within the Pay Period.

What will the Value be Returned?

Returns the number of days that staff has been late to work within the Pay Period. Pay Period means the date range of the Payroll Batch.

Late Day: Day(s) with Late Minutes would be counted. Late Minutes depends on the Late In formula set in the Shift.


1. Basic Form

  • Use as Pay Number of Unit
Payroll Variable Description
[LATE_DAY] Number of days the staff has been Late

2. Condition checking

You can check the number Late Day to see if the staff fulfills the requirement, e.g entitle Attendance Bonus or not.

e.g Staff would be entitled 500 Attendance Bonus if the staff late less than 2 days within the Pay Period.