
21-Aug-2024 · Wing Au Yeung
其他語言版本 English

What is Payslip?

Payslip is the statement that shows the staff salary amount with details within a specific period/month. After you finished calculating the payroll, you can email the payslip to the staff or they can log in to ESS to view their payslip after you have posted the payroll batch. 

You can go to Master Data -> Organization -> Locate the organization with TOP beside to define what can be shown on the Payslip.

What can be defined in the Payslip?

Field Description
Payslip LanguageBy default, Payslip would be in English. If you want to change the language, input the below file name in Payslip File Name
  • Tranditional Chinese version: Payslip.zh-hk.rpt
  • Simplified Chinese version: Payslip.zh-cn.rpt
  • Chinese-English version: Payslip.Bilingual.rpt
Payslip Header/FooterSpecify your Logo or Chop on the payslip header and footer
Default CurrencyDefine the currency that the company used. You can still change the currency when creating the Payroll Batch.
Enable Password Protection for Payslip?Define whether the payslip has password protection when staff opens the payslip in ESS/through email.
Enable: Password would be set when you create the Applicant profile. To reset/chnage the password, please take a look Change ESS and payslip password for employee
Show Monthly Salary in PayslipDefine whether show the staff monthly basic salary set in their Placement profile
Show Number of Unit in PayslipDefine whether show the calculation details of each Pay Amount
Show Bank Account Number in PayslipDefine whether show the staff personal bank account number
Show Certificate ReminderDefine whether show the reminder for the certificate is going to expire or expired
Show Leave Balance in PayslipDefine whether show the staff leave balance summary as of year-end
Show HKID in PayslipDefine whehter show the staff HKID
Show Staff Number in PayslipDefine whehter show the staff Applicant Number, can be changed to Placement Number

What's Next?

  • Generate the payslip and see if the setting is correct