[DP] - Double Pay

01-Mar-2023 · Felix Fung
其他語言版本 English

What is this?

"DP" stands for "Double Pay". This payroll variable returns Double Pay calculated by Backstage.

What will the Value be Returned?

This variable is only triggered when a remark "double pay" is found in payroll batch. It returns the calculated Double Pay. Usually this is the current basic salary.


Parameter Description Example
QUALIFIED_WHEN_PROBATION_ENDED By default double pay is issued to everyone in the batch. To issue only to those who have completed probation, add this parameter. Double pay will be prorated according to number of days worked in the year. [DP(QUALIFIED_WHEN_PROBATION_ENDED)]
QUALIFIED_WHEN_TERMINATED By default double pay is issued in payroll batch with specific remarks. If you want to issue double pay to staffs leaving the company in middle of year, add this parameter. Double pay will be prorated according to number of days worked in the year. [DP(QUALIFIED_WHEN_TERMINATED)]

If you want us to set up the Double Pay formula, please give us the following details:

  • When would be the double pay amount paid every year, e.g every Dec
  • If there is a salary increment in the middle of the year, e.g on 01 Apr, what's the double amount? 1 month of the latest salary? Or calculate in ratio?
  • How to calculate the terminated and resigned staff Double Pay amount? Would the resigned and terminated staff entitle Double Pay?
  • How to calculate the new join staff Double Pay amount? Would the new join staff be entitled Double Pay if they have not yet finished probation on that month or if the probation end date is on 31 Dec?