Configure Active Directory sign-in for Employee Portal

26-Jan-2023 · Felix Fung
其他語言版本 English

Why configure Active Directory sign-in for Employee Portal portal?

You would like to make use of Active Directory accounts for authorization/authentication at Employee Portal. Once configured, staffs will be able to login with their Active Directory account. System will look for the staff record with same Active Directory User name, and login the staff as that account.

Steps to configure Active Directory sign-in for Employee Portal

  • Go to System Setting
    • Turn on Enable Active Directory (AD) Authentication
    • At Domain Name, depends on your environment, you can provide connection details in two styles:
      • Active Directory: domain name of the Active Directory
      • LDAP: LDAP style connection string in the form of LDAP://[LDAP domain]|[LDAP container]
  • For each Applicant profile, update Active Directory User Name. Backstage will use this linkage to authenticate the user.
  • When the setup is done, staffs are required to login to Employee Portal with their Active Directory credentials
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