[LATE_IN_MINUTES] - Late-in Minutes

21-Jul-2023 · Felix Fung
其他語言版本 English

What will the Value be Returned?

[LATE_IN_MINUTES] is for getting the number of late in minutes of the date. The time would be counted after the shift START time.


Parameters/Variations Description               Usage
INTERVAL=Number The number of minutes would be counted every specific minutes set Late In minutes would be counted every 10 minutes
THRESHOLD=Number The number of minutes would be counted if it is over specific threshold minutes Late In minutes would be counted if staff late more than 15 minutes of the Shift Start time. The 15 minutes threshold will be counted in the result.
It should be used with the
parameter "THRESHOLD"
The number of minutes would be counted if it is over the specific threshold minutes. The threshold minutes will be deducted from the result Late In minutes would be counted if staff late more than 15 minutes of the Shift Start time. The 15 minutes threshold will be excluded from the result
EFFECTIVE_TIME_RELATIVE=Number Shift Start Time would be certain minutes later. The number of minutes would be counted after it The Shift Start time 10 minutes later for calculating the late in minutes
EFFECTIVE_AFTER=Time Ignore the Shift Start time and Count Late minutes after the specific time Shift Start time = 09:00, but Count Late minutes after 08:50
INCLUDES_BREAK Incldue Break late in time as Late Minutes Incldue Break late in time as Late Minutes