[LATE_IN_MINUTES] is for getting the number of late in minutes of the date. The time would be counted after the shift START time.
Parameters/Variations | Description | Usage |
INTERVAL=Number | The number of minutes would be counted every specific minutes set | Late In minutes would be counted every 10 minutes[LATE_IN_MINUTES(INTERVAL=10)] |
THRESHOLD=Number | The number of minutes would be counted if it is over specific threshold minutes | Late In minutes would be counted if staff late more than 15 minutes of the Shift Start time. The 15 minutes threshold will be counted in the result.[LATE_IN_MINUTES(THRESHOLD=15)] |
,DISCARD_THRESHOLD It should be used with the parameter "THRESHOLD" |
The number of minutes would be counted if it is over the specific threshold minutes. The threshold minutes will be deducted from the result | Late In minutes would be counted if staff late more than 15 minutes of the Shift Start time. The 15 minutes threshold will be excluded from the result[LATE_IN_MINUTES(THRESHOLD=15,DISCARD_THRESHOLD)] |
EFFECTIVE_TIME_RELATIVE=Number | Shift Start Time would be certain minutes later. The number of minutes would be counted after it | The Shift Start time 10 minutes later for calculating the late in minutes[LATE_IN_MINUTES(EFFECTIVE_TIME_RELATIVE=10)] |
EFFECTIVE_AFTER=Time | Ignore the Shift Start time and Count Late minutes after the specific time | Shift Start time = 09:00, but Count Late minutes after 08:50[LATE_IN_MINUTES(EFFECTIVE_AFTER=08:50] |
INCLUDES_BREAK | Incldue Break late in time as Late Minutes | Incldue Break late in time as Late Minutes[LATE_IN_MINUTES(INCLUDES_BREAK)] |