[OH] - Overtime Hour

08-Sep-2022 · Felix Fung
其他語言版本 English

What is this?

"OH" stands for Overtime Hours. This payroll variable is used to get the number of Overtime Hours in Timesheet within the Pay Period.

What will the Value be Returned?

Returns the number of Overtime Hours in Timesheet within the Pay Period. The Overtime Hours would be calculated according to the attendance formula in Timesheet. Pay Period means the date range of the Payroll Batch.


1. Basic Form

Payroll Variable Description
[OH] Take the number of Overtime Hours in Timesheet within the Pay Period

2. Parameters/Variations - DAYS (to alter calculation period)

By default Overtime Hour variable will take attendance statistics according to Payroll Batch period. To alter the calculation period, uses DAYS= with THIS_MONTH or LAST_MONTH.

Parameters/Variations Example Explanation
DAYS=Number-Number [OH(DAYS=20-19)] Get all Overtime Hours from 20th of last month to 19th of this month. DAYS parameter by default assume starting in last month and ending in this month
DAYS=Number-Number,LAST_MONTH [OH(DAYS=20-31,LAST_MONTH)] Get all Overtime Hours from 20th to 31st of last month. Uses LAST_MONTH for period ending in last month
DAYS=Number-Number,THIS_MONTH [OH(DAYS=1-19,THIS_MONTH)] Get all Overtime Hours from 1st to 19th of this month. Uses THIS_MONTH for period starting in this month