Create Leave Records

08-Sep-2022 · Wing Au Yeung
其他語言版本 English

How to Create Leave records to staff?

  • Leave Entry - for Adding Leave records directly, i.e without approval
  • Leave Application - for Adding Leave records with Approval and email notification Only Applicable if you have purchase our ESS
  • Leave Adjustment - Add or Deduct Leave balance directly, i.e without approval

Adding Leave Records

► Leave Entry

  • Go to Attendance -> Leave Entry -> Add New
  • Fill in the necessary information
    • Please Search the Placement by staff name or Placement Number
    • Please do not change the "Duration" manually as Backstage will automatically calculate the duration once the date and time are specified. Otherwise, a red ! would be shown beside the Leave Entry
      • For Wrong Duration calculated: Go to Leave Type and check "Is Rest Day counted as taken" and "Is Holiday counted as taken"
      • For Time and Duration shown as 0 / wrong: Find the staff Roster->Assign/Update shift or Set default shift
  • Save

► Leave Application

Only Applicable if you have purchase our ESS

  • Go to Attendance -> Leave Application ->Add New
  • Fill in the necessary information
    • Please Search the Placement by staff name or Placement Number
    • Please do not change the "Duration" manually as Backstage will automatically calculate the duration once the date and time are specified. Otherwise, a red ! would be shown beside the Leave Entry when the Leave Application is approved
    • Please Define the Status of the Leave Application
      • Preparing: the Leave Application created will be at "Preparing" state. Your staff will have to confirm (and submit) the application to notify the approvers.
      • Pending: the Leave Application created will be at "Pending" state of which the first approver is about to review
  • Save

Adjusting Leave Records

► Leave Adjustment

  • Go to Attendance -> Leave Adjustment ->Add New
  • Fill in the necessary information
    • Please Search the Placement by staff name or Placement Number
    • The number of days / hours to be adjusted can be either positive or negative(with "-")
    • Pay Date can be ignored normally
  • Save

What's Next?

  • Check the staff Leave Balance