Assigning Competency Set to Employees

07-Nov-2022 · Wing Au Yeung
其他語言版本 English

How to Assign Competency Set to Employees?

After creating the Competency Set, you need to assign the Competency Set to the staff. There are two ways to set up a competency set for the employee

  • Manually - One by One
  • Importing - In Batch

► Manually

  • Go to "Staff" -> "Placement" -> Appraisal section
  • Select the competency set for this staff

► Importing

  • Go to "Staff" -> "Placement" -> Export
  • Export the excel as the template -> find the sheet "Placement"
    • Delete other unused excel sheets and the other column in the sheet "Placement", i.e just import the new records
  • Input the Competency Code at "CompetencySet"
  • Import the file to the system
  • Check the Records

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