Configure Google sign-in for ESS portal

23-Jun-2022 · Felix Fung
其他語言版本 English

Why configure Google sign-in for ESS portal?

You would like to make use of your Google accounts for authorization/authentication at ESS portal. Once configured, staffs will be able to login with their Google account. System will look for the staff record with same work email, and login the staff as that account.

Steps to configure Google sign-in for ESS portal

  • Go to
    • Check out "Before you begin" section and click "Configure a Project" to obtain the "Client Id"
    • When asked, fill in the followings:
      • Authorized javascript source: the host name of your ESS portal
      • Authorized redirect URI: /ess/user/googlesignin
    • Write down the result "Client Id"
  • Let us know the "Client Id", we will then put it at the configuration file of ESS portal
  • You will then see "Google Sign in" button on ESS, and now you can login with your Google account.