Change Leave Policy

21-Oct-2022 · Felix Fung
其他語言版本 English

Why change Leave Policy?

Your company may review the leave policy and would like to

  • Increase the leave entitlement, Or
  • Add a long-term extension to the unused AL, Or
  • Change the original leave forfeiture date

Please remember do not change the existing Leave Entitlement setting!!!

How to change Leave Policy?

1. Create New Leave Entitlement

  • Go to Attendance -> Leave Entitlement
  • Open any one of the existing Leave Entitlement
  • Click "Copy" to create the new Leave Entitlement by copying that entitlement setting
  • Input the new Leave Entitlement Code and Name -> Save
  • Enable the Organization Permission -> Save
  • Update the Entitled Days and Max Days to B/F by clicking the Period Number

2. Update the New Leave Entitlement to Placement

  • Go to Staff -> Placement -> Leave section
  • Click "Add leave entitlement" and input the information that needs to be updated with the new Effective Date
  • Check if the leave balance is correct

(We suggest you find some staff to do it manually and check if the leave balance is correct before updating it in batch. As you may need to delete it manually if the leave balance is wrong)

What's Next?

  • Check if the leave balance is correct
    • You can go to Analytic -> Leave ->Leave Balance Report to check the leave balance in once
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