Your company may pay Double Pay, Bonus, or Commission separately from the Basic Salary or may have any adjustment out of the normal payroll. So you need to have a payroll batch for these pay type only.
What you need
Before creating the payroll batch, please consider if the batch
Include MPF amount
Exclude MPF amount, but it would calculate the MPF amount altogether in the Normal(Basic Salary) Batch
How to prepare payroll batch for specific pay type?
Include MPF amount
Go to Payroll -> Payroll Batch -> Add New
Input "DOUBLE PAY" in the Remark -> Save to create a payroll batch
Find "Exclude pay type?" -> Click "Edit"
Choose "Yes, exclude the following:" -> Choose "Select all" -> Disable the pay type you would like to pay(Double Pay, Bonus and etc) and MPF related pay types
Add Placement
If you have added the placement, please recalculate all payroll in order to apply the changes
System would only calculate the amount of the pay type(s) you do not exclude
Check the amount and see if it is correct
If no formula is set, you can import the amount in batch or input the amount manually.
Please remember to post this payroll batch before you do the normal payroll. Otherwise, you need to post it and recalculate the Normal batch in order to calculate the MPF contribution correctly
In this batch, only Double Pay, Bonus, or Adjustment amount would be calculated. The MPF contribution would be calculated together with these amounts in the Normal(Basic Salary) batch if this batch is posted.
Go to Payroll -> Payroll Batch -> Add New -> Enable "Is Zero Amount" -> Save to create a payroll batch
Please check if the pay type has set formula for calculation
1. No Formula is set for the Pay Type
Add Placement
Import the amount in batch or input the amount manually