Generate MPF File

01-Aug-2022 · Wing Au Yeung
其他語言版本 English

What is Generate MPF File?

Generate MPF File is the place you generate the MPF remittance statement for submission to the MPF Trustee.

What can be defined in Generate MPF File?

Field Description
Submission DateDefine the month of the MPF file you want to generate, usually would be before or on 10th of the month
EmployerDefine the Company you want to process MPF
MPF TrusteeSpecify the MPF Trustee
Bank Account OptionalDefine the bank account you want to use to process MPF
What to do with staff with no payroll in this period?Define whether the report includes staff with no payroll in the month you generate
  • Ignore them in statement
  • Include them in statement
  • Show only them in statement
Sort byDefine the order of the staff shown in the report

What's Next?

  • Check the MPF amount
    • Some of the file formats are not easy to check, you can go to Analytic->Payroll->MPF Contribution Report
  • Submit the file to MPF Trustee
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