Update staff Position/Department

17-Sep-2024 · Cath Fung
其他語言版本 English

Why need to update staff position/department?

When staff has a promotion or change department, you need to update their position title, department, or internal grade.

How to Update Staff position/department

  • Manually
  • Importing

1. Manually

  • Go to Staff-->Placement --> Open the Placement profile

  • Point to ''Position''/ ''Organization'' / "Placement Type"/ "Internal Grade" (All will lead you to the same page)

  • Click "Add New" and input the information that needs to be updated with the correct Effective Date

Effective Date Effective Date of the new promotion/adjustment
Movement Type    Define the type of the movement, e.g. Promotion, Reallocation. You need to set up the type you want at Master Data --> Movement type. Leave it blank if you do not record it
Organization New department if staff has reallocated to another department
Position New title of the position if staff has changed the position
Placement Type Define the type of Placement, e.g. Permanent, Temporary, Part-time, Full-time. You need to set up the type at Master Data --> Placement type. Leave it blank if you do not record it
Internal Grade Define the grading of the staff. You need to set up the grading at Master Data --> Internal Grade. Leave it blank if you do not record it

2. Importing

  • Go to Staff->Placement->Export the excel as the template->find the sheet "Movement"
  • Delete other unused Excel sheets and the existing records in the sheet "Movement" to avoid any duplication of data, i.e just import the new records
  • Take the existing records as an example and follow the format to input the data
    • column B "AssociateName" can be deleted as the system just recognized the placement number
  • Import the file to the system 

What's Next?

  • Check if the information is updated