MPF Trustee

02-Aug-2022 · Wing Au Yeung
其他語言版本 English

What is MPF Trustee?

MPF Trustee defines the MPF Trustee and MPF file template used by your company. Please go the staff Placement profile and assign the MPF Trustee to staff if the staff needs to make MPF contribution.

For generating the MPF file, Please go to Payroll -> Generate MPF File.

The MPF Trustee normally is set in the beginning when you used the system. If you have any updates/changes about the MPF trustee, feel free to contact us if you need any help. You can go to Payroll -> MPF Trustee to create the MPF Trustee.

What can be defined in MPF Trustee?

Field Description
MPF Trustee CodeShort code to represent the MPF Trustee
MPF Trustee NameFull name of the MPF plan
Contribution Template NameDefine the File Template of the MPF Trustee used
MPF Plan NumberPlan number of the MPF plan of your company. Please fill in the plan number if your company uses more than 1 MPF Trustee, or if you want to override the number inputted in the Organization
Reference NumberReference number of the MPF plan if needed
Contact PersonPerson in charge of MPF submission
Contact NumberContact number of the contact person
Tel/Fax/Address/Website OptionalInformation about your company. You can just ignore it is the same as the information in the Organization.
RemarkAny notes for your reference

What's Next?

  • Assign/Update the MPF Trustee in the staff Placement profile
  • Trial run payroll
  • Generate the MPF file and test submit the file to the MPF Trustee