Handle Leave Late Submission in Payroll

17-Oct-2023 · Wing Au Yeung
其他語言版本 English

Why Handle Leave Late Submission in Payroll?

Sometimes, staff may submit the leave application or notify you s/he has taken leave after the current month's payroll is done and you may need to back pay/deduct the amount in the next month's payroll.

Even the leave pay amount is paid/deducted in the current month's payroll, in order to calculate the Average Daily Wages(ADW) correctly, you need to put the leave days and amount in the leave month.

How to Handle Leave Late Submission in Payroll?

1. Create a new Payroll Batch with Pay Period = leave month

  • Go to Payroll -> Payroll Batch -> Add New
  • Pay Period = Leave Month, Pay Date = Current Month's Payroll Pay Date, MPF Contribution Date = Current Month's Payroll MPF Contribution Date
    • E.g Current Month Payroll = Oct payroll pay on 31 Oct, Leave Date = Aug:
      • Pay Period = 01 Aug - 30 Aug
      • Payroll Date = 31 Oct
      • MPF Contribution Date = 10 Nov
    • Add Placement

2. Update the Pay Amount and number of days of leave

  • Manually update the other pay type amount to 0
  • Find the pay rate of the leave month and input the number of days of leave
  • Post the batch when finished

3. Update the MPF amount in the Current Month's Payroll Batch

  • If the leave pay amount is negative(i.e deduction), please include the deduction in the relevant income and update the MPF contribution amount in the staff Current Month's payroll