Check and Import Attendance Raw Data from Device

21-Aug-2024 · Wing Au Yeung
其他語言版本 English

Why Check and Import Attendance Raw Data from the Device?

Sometimes, Attendance Data can be found in the Attendance system(Finger Tech/Ingress/etc.), but attendance records cannot be found in the Timesheet.

How to Check Attendance Raw Data in Backstage?

You can check if the Attendance Data is imported successfully and when the attendance data is imported on the page Task Log or Timesheet first.

1. Task Log

  • Go to System Menu -> Task Log
    • You can see the Status(Success/Failed) and Time of the Attendance Data imported
    • You can click into the records and see the details

2. Timesheet

  • Go to Attendance -> Timesheet
    • You can see the alert about Last Attendance Data imported time with the Status(Green for Success; Red for Failed)
    • You can click "here" to check the details, e.g. error message

How to Import back the Attendance Raw Data from Device?

If you see the Attendance Data Import Status is Failed, or you see the Attendance Data can be found in the Attendance System, you can try to import back the data to Backstage.

  • Go to Attendance -> Timesheet
  • Click Import
    • Select "Import Attendance Raw Data" and the Date of the data needs to be imported
  • Click Import again