Carbonik Blog

Thoughts on Human Resources

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30+ Hong Kong Job Boards/Recruitment Websites (Updated Feb-2024)

List of Hong Kong Job Boards/Recruitment Websites

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Time for HR practitioner to get ready for GDPR even you are in Hong Kong

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Hiring Talents

Hiring Talents

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Excel Timesheet

Learn how to use Excel to build timesheet that encourage colleagues to fill in

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Excel DataBase - Reporting Lines

Learn how to use function of "vlookup" and "match". Use Excel to sort out who are the supervisors and who are the sub-orindates.

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How to Work Out HR Budget for Next Year?

We can rely on new business plan of coming year, together with the unit cost of each product or service, to calculate the required HR expense of the coming year.

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Replace "Appraisal" by "Check-in"! - (Cont)

Implement "Check In" step-by-step. Using automated HR system to put "Check In" discussion into record. Adopting a more flexible compensation policy to better reflect performance and importance of individual staff.

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How to Work Out HR Budget for Next Year?

Normally we will rely on current-year actual amount (with decent increment) or add together requests from each departments. On the other hand, we can also rely on new business plan of coming year to calculate the required HR expense in an objective manner.

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Regulations HR Practitioners Should Pay Attention

《Competition Ordinance》,《Anti-Discrimination Ordinance》,《Employment Ordinance》are key regulations that HR practioners need to know. Also, will HR practioners be liable to actions of the company?

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Choosing the Right HR System to Improve Efficiency

Set up clear guidelines and streamline work processes. Spare sufficient human resources to choose and implement automated HR system.

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HR System for Appraisal

Appraisal is only part of the HR control cycle. What we need is a comprehensive system for performance management and talent management.

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Use Excel to Build Leave Calendar

Learn how to use function of "choose", "data validation", "countif" and "share workbook". Use Excel to build simple leave calendar and HR System for more sophisticated one.

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How to use Google Form for appraisal?

How to use Google Form for appraisal? We can use Google Form to do survey. With some effort in design we can also conduct appraisal with Google Form before automating with HR system.

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How to use Excel for Shift Management?

Use "Substitute" , "Len" , "Find" , "Indirect" , "Countifs" and "Conditional Formatting" to help Shift Management.

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How to use Excel to Maintain Annual Leave Balance?

How to use Excel to maintain Annual Leave Balance? What is meant by "Anniversary Basis", "Individual Leave Year", "Calendar Year Basis" and "Common Leave Year"?

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HR Book List: The Silo Effect

Learn how "Silo" impacts your company

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Reason of Change in Performance Rating

Avoid over-simplifying the result of performance review and avoid "Simpson Paradox".

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Frequent Appraisal - No More Annual "Headache"

Say goodbye to annual headache of "appraisal" by utilizing automatic HR software with "performance review" capability, so that we can easily and more frequently appraise staff members, provide timely feedback and adjust objectives accordintly.

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Consideration of Hiring Expatriates

Refer to General Employment Policy (GEP), Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals (ASMTP) and Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG) to Hire Expatriates

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Predictive Candidate's Performance

Predicting candidate's performance by General Mental Ability Test, Work Sample Test, Structured Employee Interview, Peer Rating, Job Knowledge Test and T&E Behavioral Consistency Method.

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How to use Excel to Calculate Salary, MPF or Conduct Appraisal?

Learn how to use funtions of "networkdays" , "mmult" , "countif" and data validation in Excel to calculate salary, MPF and conduct appraisal

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Year of Rooster

What to Do in New Year?

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How to Rate Subordinates' Performance?

Sample Comments in Performance Review and Appraisal - Leadership Quality, Communication Skill, Initiative, Team Work, Quality of Work & Customer Service

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Difference between Departments

Using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to understand if there is difference in in results between departments.

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How to Conduct Performance Review in an Objective Manner?

Adopting Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale: listing out different behaviour examples which will be treated as benchmark for evaluating performance target or core competency.

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Giving Negative Feedback & Suggestion for Improvement

An Indispensible Step in Performance Review Pay attention to timeliness of comment and focus on subordinate's need. Last but not least, let your subordinates know how fair you are treating everyone.

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Replace "Appraisal" by "Check-in"!

Annual review is not sufficient. We need more frequent review and speedy feedback.

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Performance Review (Appraisal) 101

How to conduct appraisal and performance review? Remember to align performance review with company's KPI and company's schedule. Let everyone understand its importance and ensure a smooth process of appraisal.

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6 principal of setting appraisal objective

There must be "objectives" before you can "review" anything. Objectives must be specific and consider both teams and individuals.

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Data Privacy of Employee Information in Big Data Era

Data Privacy of Employee Information in Big Data Era

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