Please find below list of new features that we introduced in April.
Backstage Team
Admin Portal
Default Email format from Backstage
Some email clients has problem displaying the correct content when it is in text format. Now email are sent in html format by default to solve this problem.
Placement Profile/Leave Balance - added indicator and information of pending leave applications
Placement Profile/Salary History - added tax forms history
Continuous Leave Entry Report - updated logic to make this more useful. Now this report will consider rest day and holiday before or after a leave entry, and let you know when your staff is taking a long leave.
Autopay - added warning when bank account number is too short
Autopay/HSBC IFile - by putting [LONG_BENEFICIARY_NAME] at remarks, system will change payee length limit to 140 characters. Good when HSBC requested you to submit a test file before officially switch to the new format.
IR56B/Company Chop - by uploading a jpg file (width 185px and height 110px) named "ir56_company_chop.jpg", system will display this in company chop box on print-out.