Backstage changes, July to September 2023

16-Feb-2024 · Felix Fung
其他語言版本 English

Dear Backstage Users,

Please find below list of new features that we introduced in last July to September

Backstage Team


  • New Supervisor Type for Attendance Application - previously Attendance Application shared same setting as Leave approve. Now they have their own category.


  • Delete Attendance Raw Data when Attendance Application is cancelled - to revert records to its original state in case an application is deleted


  • Payroll/Currency Conversion with manual input - now when you type, e.g. "USD 100", to change a pay amount, system will automatically convert this to pay amount in payroll currency
  • Payroll Variable/Professional Tax for Macau - updated calculation to consider age of the staff
  • Payroll Variable/Years Of Service - new filters PERIOD_END, MONTH and YEAR
  • Payroll Variable/Is Terminating - new filter TERMINATION_REASON_CODE
  • Payroll Variable/CPF for Singapore - updated for new ceiling beginning in September 2023
  • Payroll Variable/Timesheet Day - new variation EARLIER_THAN.
  • Payroll Variable/Terminating Leave Day - new variation LAST_LEAVE_YEAR to get ending leave balance.
  • Payroll Variable/Overtime Day - now supports DAYS filter.
  • Payroll Variable/Leave Adjustment Day - new variation EXPIRED to get number of expired days.
  • Autopay/HSBC IFile - handle first party name with more than 35 characters
  • Autopay/Dah Sing Bank - newly added


  • Expense Types Export - now supported
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