File size check when uploading attachment - the default file size limit is about 2MB and previously server may return "unexpected error" when trying to upload file exceeding the limit. We added checking when you are uploading attachment with clearer error message.
Importing Supervisor Group to Organization - previously when importing supervisor group to organization, if the group are having same effective date, these records will be "added" on top of the existing records and the result is duplicated records. We have fixed this behavior such that when importing to Organization, the previous Supervisor Group of the same effective date will be deleted and replaced with your new content.
Better support of importing Roster with Location - as more of you are making use of the roster function, we improved support of importing roster with location.
Inconsistency check at Leave Entry - it is possible to have inconsistent leave entry during beginning import or a later changed roster. Now a red "!" will show up if system found that the nominal leave days is different from that of calculated leave days.
In the following example, the "nominal" leave days (in upper section) is 1 but in details there is no leave for some reason. You can try fixing it by "Recalculate" and system will calculate based on latest roster.
"Is Birthday" variable - and now you can setup pay formula based on birthday of your staffs.
China/Individual Income Tax calculation - new tax bracket effective from October is applied.
More visibility on how pay amount is calculated - ever wonder what are the pay formulas and how they are calculated? Now in payroll, by pointing to the "gear" button next to each pay type, an explanatory panel will show up and give you the following information:
It may take some time for all payroll variables to have the complete explanation. Feel free to let us know if you need explanation of particular variables.