Team Roster (for Roster Manager)

25-May-2023 · Wing Au Yeung
Available in other languages 中文


Here you can check and assign your teammate’s working schedule here.

  • You can filter the Placement shown, or Change the Time range of the Roster shown

    • All Location, All Department, All Placement- choose the staff you want to see by Location, Department, or Placement Type. 
    • Monthly- change the display to Daily, 7 Days, Weekly, or Monthly.
    • "Oct-2021"- change the Month of the roster
    • More Action- Print Roster, Import Roster, Print Timesheet, Approve All Leave Applications (if you are the approver of the staff too)        
  • You can plan you staff Working Schedule

    • Add Shift

      • Click any blank place to add the shift
      • You can see “Create Shift on DD-MMM-YYYY” when clicking into the blank box
        • Add Day by Day: Select the date and input the Location and Shift
        • Add Multiple days: Highlight the dates and input the Location and Shift if the staff work for the same shift

    • Edit Shift

      • Click into the existing shift and you can change the shift
      • You can see “Edit Shift on DD-MMM-YYYY”

    • Delete Shift

      • Point to the existing shift and click the “rubbish bin” button         

        • Delete shift one by one
        • Delete all the same shifts on specific days in once until the date you select        
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