Appraisal / Performance Review
- What is Performance Management?
- Benefits and Incentives
- Management by Objectives (MBO)
- Competency-based Performance Management
- 360-Degree Feedback
- Fair Performance Review/Appraisal
- Fair Performance Review/Appraisal
- Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale, BARS
- Common Bias in Performance Management
- Sample Comments
- Motivation
Ever wonder what makes employees believe the performance review or appraisal is fair and accept the result?
In 1986, Jerald Greenberg conducted a study with open-ended questions, asking for input on describing factors that contributes to fair, or unfair performance review.
Using factor analysis techniques in statistics, there are 7 factors identified, with 5 grouped under procedural factors and 2 grouped under distributive factors:
Procedural Factors:
- Soliciting input prior to evaluation and using it
- Two-way communication during interview
- Ability to challenge/rebut evalution
- Rater familiarity with ratee's work
- Consistent application of standards
Distributive Factors:
- Receipt of rating based on performance achieved
- Recommendation for salary/promotion based on rating
Take a closer look to the full paper by Jerald Greenberg: