Employee Self Service

From near or far, Backstage helps work together over the web in real-time.

Manage across distance

Manage your staffs like you're in the same office - even if you're on opposite sides of the world. You can check the leave status of your staffs, do the approval work, and check their attendance even you are not in the office.

Apply Leave Online

Let the staff applies leave online. Their approvers will get an email now and the staffs will get an email when it's processed. They can check the leave balance and leave history as well.

More Self-service Functions

They can download pay slip or update personal information. Phone list, company library and notice board will not be missing.

Go Green

Moving to Frontstage helps reduce both your paper work and its environmental impact. Collaborative tools such as online leave applications and shared documents help reduce the use of paper. You'll reduce office materials, and your overall environmental footprint.

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